Express 5 Tutorial

Express is by far the most popular micro framework for building backend applications with JavaScript.

This tutorial will guide you step by step, explaining how to build an express application from scratch. It’s targeted toward complete beginners but expects a few prerequisites (listed in the first exercise).

In the first part of the tutorial, we focus on really learning the core concepts and learning to build a very basic application quick and dirty. In later lessons, we’ll dive into more advanced but very common topics. You’ll learn to bring your code to the next level by writing higher-quality code.

🐷 Quick and Dirty - A Beginner's Guide

  1. 1. Setup & Overview
  2. Controller & Requests Basics:

  3. 2. Basic Routing
  4. 3. REST & Dynamic Routing
  5. 4. Middlewares
  6. 5. Serving Static Files
  7. 6. Query Strings & Form Data
  8. Views & Response Basics:

  9. 7. Response Types
  10. 8. HTML Response & Templating Basics
  11. 9. Control flow in EJS Templates
  12. Models & Database Basics:

  13. 10. MongoDB Database and ODM Setup
  14. 11. Schema & Models with MongoDB
  15. 12. CRUD 1: Create Records
  16. 13. CRUD 2: Read Records
  17. 14. CRUD 3: Update & Delete Records
  18. Wrap-Up:

  19. 15. Deployment
  20. 16. Summary & Recap

🚀 Next Level - Intermediate Guides

  1. 17. Express Folder Structure
  2. Controllers & Requests Continued:

  3. 18. Validation & Sanitization
  4. Models & Database Continued:

  5. 19. Complex Data Structures in MongoDB
  6. 20. Relationships in MongoDB

📚 Miscellaneous Guides

  1. 21. Deployment to Heroku
  2. 22. Deployment to Google App Engine