🕵️ Privacy Policy: codecookies.xyz

How this website works

The Code Cookies website is a static website. The Code Cookies developers are not running any server-side code or data processing of incoming requests. This also means Code Cookies does not process or store any data of individual users.

The website is hosted on Vercel. For processing of data such as server access logs etc. please refer to their privacy policy for further details.

Cookies, user data, and tracking

There are no tracking or marketing cookies set by Code Cookies. The only cookie that is set comes from the user clicking on this cookie Emoji 🍪 . The cookie itself does not contain any information beyond the emoji character.

To see all the cookies currently set on this website click the following button:

Code Cookies uses an anonymous, and cookie-free analytics system called Simple Analytics (privacy policy) to keep track generally of how many users are accessing which page of the website from which country. None of the tracked information can be used to identify individual users.