Flask is a micro framework providing you with functions for building backends and full-stack applications using Python.
This series is suitable for complete beginners or web developers who worked with other languages like Ruby or PHP before and want to get an overview of web development with Python and Flask.
If you’re still relatively new to building software with Python, I recommend you start by taking a look at this introduction to the virtual environment.
- 1. Overview and Setup
- 2. Routing
- 3. Templating
- 4. Static Files
- 5. Folder Structures & Blueprints
- 6. Unit Testing
- 7. SQL Database Setup
- 8. Model Relationships in SQL Databases
- 9. CRUD
- 10. Pagination and Query Parameters
- 11. HTML Forms and HTTP Methods
- 12. Forms and Request Data
- 13. Validation and Exception Handling
- 14. Building an API
- 15. Server and Deployment
- 16. Session-Based Authentication